Enrollment options

webinar iconFormat: Webinar, original date April 27, 2021
Hosted by: WebJunction
Length: 1 hour

Transforming physical spaces and library programs into active learning hubs is a powerful opportunity to strengthen the library’s connection to the community. Through WebJunction’s Small Libraries Create Smart Spaces project, a range of free resources and tools—built from the project’s four years of real-life successes—are now available for libraries of all sizes to transform their spaces. In this webinar, we’ll share examples of design thinking and collaboration with the community, and the positive outcomes achieved, even through the disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic. Gail Bruce, director of Laurel Public Library (DE), will describe the arc of discovering community needs and realizing multiple projects to meet those needs at her library. You’ll also be introduced to the Toolkit to Create Smart Spaces community collaborations for active learning.

Presented by: Gail Bruce and Betha Gutsche

Self enrollment (Learner)
Self enrollment (Learner)