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Format: Webinar, original date January 24, 2023
Hosted by: WebJunction
Length: 1 hour

While libraries have enthusiastically met the challenge to positively influence kids’ and teens’ attitudes, skills, and knowledge about STEM topics, adult-centered science programs are scarce in libraries. Youth have access to many creative, engaging, hands-on programs that use informal learning to develop exploration, experimentation, and computational thinking. But why are kids having all the fun (and skill enrichment)? As citizens and voters, adults are asked to make decisions that increasingly involve complex science. Join this webinar to learn about programs that make adult science learning fun and enticing, and that get people involved in investigating their environment. Join the conversation about expanding adult learning to include identifying environmental issues, applying science-based strategies, and working together to find solutions and take action for their communities.

Presented by: Betha Gutsche, Ash Kunz and Vivienne Byrd

Self enrollment (Learner)
Self enrollment (Learner)