Format: Webinar, original date July 7, 2022
Hosted by: WebJunction
Length: 1 hour
In the U.S., there are 43 million adults–nearly one in five–who read below a third-grade level, and over half of all adults read below a sixth-grade level (National Action Plan for Adult Literacy, 2021). Low levels in literacy can impact many aspects
of daily life including the ability to find and maintain employment, navigate health care needs, and complete government forms. This webinar will explore the characteristics of adults with low literacy levels and how they differ from those of adults
with learning disabilities, including how and why each of these groups approaches reading. Learn about the importance and value of developing literacy skills, as well as strategies for library staff on how to identify when someone may need literacy
support, how to broach the subject with a patron, and ways to suggest materials and resources to reluctant adults who may be struggling with literacy.
Presented by: Katharine Ware