Enrollment options

webinar iconFormat: Webinar, original date December 17, 2019
Hosted by: WebJunction and Public Library Association
Length: 1 hour

Public libraries are uniquely positioned to help their communities address substance misuse, homelessness, and mental health concerns, by connecting residents with accurate information and resources. Libraries are seen by many as safe, neutral spaces; but some topics carry fear and stigma that can have an outsized impact on staff and community members’ ability to respond. Compassionate training, policies, programming, and choice of terminology can help remove barriers that prevent people from seeking help for themselves or others, and give library staff the information and support they need to address this and other public health crises. This webinar will use several examples of library responses to the opioid crisis to highlight approaches, resources, and programs that can help reduce stigma and fear and promote healthier communities.

Presented by: Tramaine EL-Amin, Jessica Styons, Sheila Prevost and Kendra Morgan

Self enrollment (Learner)
Self enrollment (Learner)