Format: Webinar, original date December 12, 2012
Hosted by: WebJunction and ALA's Learning Round Table
Length: 1 hour
Looking for some magic to improve customer service in your library? The Disney Institute on Quality Service has set high standards for creating a quality customer experience and their ideas can be applied at your library. Our panel of Colorado librarians attended the Disney Institute Quality Service preconference sponsored by ALA's LearnRT at the annual conference in Anaheim in 2012. Since then, they've been waving their magic wands to improve customer service in Colorado libraries and they'd like to share their discoveries with you. Learn how to define quality service, set a common purpose for all library staff, and better understand your customers. You'll walk away with ideas to make your library's customer service sparkle.
Presented by: Crystal Schimpf, Elena Rosenfeld, and Suzanne McGowan