Enrollment options

Webinar recordingFormat: Webinar, original date November 18, 2015
Hosted by: WebJunction and the Association for Rural and Small Libraries
Length: 1 hour

The immortal Kurt Vonnegut said, "The America I love still exists at the front desks of our public libraries." In this webinar, you can discover at least three ways to shift your library from good enough to unexpectedly amazing, and to take your community's image of the public library to new heights. Locate your library's first impressions, displays, customer service, policies and more on the "Yes-O-Meter" and understand how to move from "No" or "Yes, but..." to a powerful culture of "Yes, and!" The insights you gain for shifting your library culture will invigorate the relationships between your staff and with your community.

Presented by: Sharon Morris and Kieran Hixon

Self enrollment (Learner)
Self enrollment (Learner)