Enrollment options

webinar recordingFormat: Webinar, original date April 17, 2018
Hosted by: WebJunction, Public Library Association and American Library Association
Length: 1 hour

In 2008, OCLC published From Awareness to Funding: A Study of Library Support in America, a study of the awareness, attitudes, and underlying motivations among US voters for supporting library funding. The research dispelled long-held assumptions and provided eye-opening insights about who supports public library funding and for what reasons. A decade later, OCLC has partnered with PLA and the ALA Office for Library Advocacy to investigate perceptions and support among US voters today, and how they may have shifted in the intervening years. In this session, presenters will share key findings and analysis from the summary report; provide new details on library super supporters and probable supporters in context with other library trends and research; and kickstart the discussion on how library leaders and advocates can act on these findings.

Presented by: Marci Merola, Larra Clark, Vailey Oehlke and Sharon Streams

Self enrollment (Learner)
Self enrollment (Learner)