Webinar recordingFormat: Webinar, original date December 4, 2014
Hosted by: WebJunction
Length: 1 hour

Geek the Library, the public awareness campaign funded by the Gates Foundation and managed by OCLC, is being conducted by 1,800+ public libraries across 48 states through June 2015. In this webinar, we will hear from the evaluation team at ORS Impact, who have been conducting assessments of the program and compiled some remarkable data and stories from libraries who have completed their Geek the Library campaigns. These mostly rural libraries, serving very small to medium-sized communities, report improvements in staff marketing and advocacy skills, have seen an increase in public support for their libraries, as well as positive changes in funding resources. Geek the Library has shifted how people think about their local library, has changed how libraries interact with their community, and has been a game changer in a number of local funding situations. We will also hear directly from some of your library colleagues who have finished their Geek campaigns and who can talk about how their library's relationship with the community has irrevocably changed for the better. Whether or not you are a Geek library, we know you will be inspired by these results!